Pecan Praline

Pecan Praline Surprise surprise, when you bake sugar on pecans they taste even better. We start this flavor with our super premium sweet cream base and add, by hand, large, wonderful chunks of pecan pralines. Believe it. • Our Flavors • Latte Chip Chocolate Truffle Pecan Praline Clearly Coconut Cinnamon Vanilla Skagit Strawberry Cookies and Cream…

Cherry Amaretto

Cherry Amaretto Worried about having enough freezer space? Don’t panic, this one probably won’t make it that far anyway. A rich, sweet dark cherry base with a smack of amaretto that will not go unnoticed. • Our Flavors • Chocolate Truffle Bow Hill Blueberry Vanilla Cherry Amaretto Pecan Praline Decidedly Chocolate Cookies and Cream Skagit Strawberry…

Chocolate Truffle

Chocolate Truffle Everyone’s had that big box of assorted chocolate truffles. Each one is interesting but there are only a couple classics that are really delicious. Congratulations. You found the one that is really delicious. • Our Flavors • Latte Chip Mint Chip Cookies and Cream Cinnamon Vanilla Bow Hill Blueberry Chocolate Truffle Cherry Amaretto Peanut Butter…

Bow Hill Blueberry

Bow Hill Blueberry There is this small, family run farm in Bow, WA that grows the best tasting organic blueberries that you can find. We developed this flavor with the owners Susan and Harley and are really happy with how it turned out. We think you will be too. Ingredients: Cream, Milk, Pure Cane Sugar, Organic Blueberries, Nonfat Milk,…